SWGOH Counters – 5 vs 5

Last update: Apr. 18th 2024
The 3 vs 3 version is here

Counter teams against:

Carth Onasi
Carth Onasi

Enemy team Counter teamWin?NotesAction
Easy win, full heath no losses Copy
All g12 zCarth, zMission, zZaalbar.
Actually my defensive FO dosen't work at all
They deprived us of offence power
(idont know how it will be if use Phasma instead of Fotp)
Managed to kill enfys and Carth but then it was kinda stallmate since i got left with Kylo alone against Mission+ Zalbar+Cand. All enemy toons g12, my KRU & Kylo also g12 rest g10-G11 Copy

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