SWGOH Counters – 5 vs 5

Last update: Apr. 18th 2024
The 3 vs 3 version is here

Counter teams against:

Carth Onasi
Carth Onasi

Enemy team Counter teamWin?NotesAction
g11 Nute, g9 droideka. Full hp, full protection. Copy
Typical OR team all g12, all zetas except Canderous.
Full g12 sep team, zeta on Nute.

Had to use GBA elsewhere and these were my only seps left and only possibly cohesive team. Did surprisingly well, didn't lose anyone. Spy is a beast, 120k crits that noone on this team can stand up to. With SF and Nute both dispeling, Big Z couldn't keep taunt up to protect Carth. After he went down, team was picked off with Z taking a 1-shot to the face early on.

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