SWGOH Counters – 5 vs 5

Last update: Apr. 18th 2024
The 3 vs 3 version is here

Counter teams against:

Darth Maul
Darth Maul

Enemy team Counter teamWin?NotesAction
zMaul G12, zSid G12, zSavage G11, Assassin G12, Stormtrooper G12
Sometimes a bit dicey 
Chose ATF only to complete GA quest containing retribution
All but Sid G12. Only Zeta was on maul.

Rex, wampa, Visas g12, 1 zeta on wampa and one on Visas (don't think it mattered all that much)

Focused Sid just to lower the turns he takes as the other die. Stealth will really determine who you can attack. Taunt early with STH and watch the TM train roll in. Lost STH at some point, but thats what Visas is for. Rezzed up and got full points. RG did nothing, probably could have easily done with 4.

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