SWGOH Counters – 5 vs 5

Last update: Apr. 18th 2024
The 3 vs 3 version is here

Counter teams against:

Carth Onasi
Carth Onasi

Enemy team Counter teamWin?NotesAction
zCarth, zZaalbar, zMission, zJuhani, Canderous. All G12. Copy
G11 zCarth, G11zMission, G10 zZaalbar, G12 Juhani, G12 Carth (91k)
G12 2zTraya, G12 zNihilus, G12 zSion, G11 zDooku (84k)

Easy win with 57 banners.  All units had full health.  Dooku was probably overkill and not needed, but the counter stuns were useful.  Took out Juhani with Annihilate (no choice she was taunting).  Traya took out Carth.  

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