Enemy team | | Counter team | Win? | Notes | Action |
Opponent: Full g12-12.5, 6* mods, 300+ speeds, all zetas, any 5th
Counter: Full g12.3, traya 180speed, dn 200 speed, sion 250 speed, all zetas, no 5th needed, may be doable with triumvirate alone
annihilate them one by one / isolate zombie to prevent taunt
try not to kill them with traya/sion so zombie doesnt revive them
isolating anybody but zombie and killing them also prevents zombie reviving but you have to deal with her taunting over and over |
Traya lead heal on damage to debuffed enemies keeps plague cleansed constantly. Honestly might be able to do this without Dooku for extra points. You'll lose most of your protection, but you'll end with full health almost guaranteed. Usually best to annihilate Nest first to prevent more Daze, but probably doesn't matter (just don't annihilate Zombie). |
zzAsajj G12, zzTalzin G12, zDaka G12, zNest G12, Zombie G12
Lost Maul (G11). |
Good modded NS. TM reduction killed me in the end. |
zzAsajj G13 [239 speed], zzMT G13 [244 speed], zDaka G13 [245 speed], Zombie G12 [239 speed], Spirit G12 [282 speed]
Was only able to take out Daka and MT! |