Enemy team | | Counter team | Win? | Notes | Action |
Anakin first target |
all g12.5 full zetas on both sides. target anakin first, padme next and it's easy-peasy |
Targeted Padme first, then JKA - easy win +58 |
Overkill |
Both teams g12+, fully zetad padme team, same for JKR. First targeted JKA, next AT, next GMY, then GK and finally Padme. Took me almost 4 minutes. |
Padme full Zeta team G12+, JKR full Zeta team G12+. Easy win, kill JKA first |
92k Padme vs. 111k JKR. Zap Anakin first. +59 banners. |
Padme and C3PO (2 Z), Anakin, Ahsoka and Kenobi (1 Z).
Focused first in Padme, then Anakin and...easy win. |
Enemy team had 105k GP, 5 zetas, and R3 on Anakin. JTR all G12 with 111k GP. Target Anakin, then Padme, then whoever. +60 banners. |
Padme team was only 84k vs 93k JKR, not sure how realistic this would be with a stronger team. +60 banners. |
zzG12 Padme, G13R3 JKA, zG12Barriss, zG13R5 GK, G12 Shaak
zzzG12 JKR, zzG12 GMY, zG12 Shaak, zG12 Jolee, zG11 Juhani
Super annoying team. Practically a timeout team. Focus JKA down, took me 2 runs of mark. Keep out-of-turn attacks to a minimum. Aoe as much as possible to keep protection up buff as low as possible. Once JKA dies, focus Padme with same strat. Then you can start using assist attacks as usual, I killed Barriss > Shaak > GK. Do NOT steal and spread counter attack before Padme goes down. It will take awhile, but worked and ended full health and 1 full prot. |
Easy win, 125K Padme, Anakin r7, Ahsoka r2, GK r4, otherwise G12. JKR, BS r5, GK g12+5 and GMY r6, JB r4 |
106k Padme vs. 111k JKR. The old meta's still got it. +59 banners. |
R3 Padme, R4 GK, R5 Ahsoka, G12 Anakin & Qui-Gon vs. All G12 Jedi: Took out Anakin 1st before they could take a turn, then worked on Padme. Kenobi continually taunting (had his Zeta) made it tricky to keep focus on Padme, but used Bastila's Subvert Defense to remove taunt and Revan's Direct Focus on Padme to keep pressure on her until she went down. The rest crumbled quickly after that. |
Enemy all G13 Relic 7.
Revan/Yoda G13R7, Hermit Yoda/Jolee G13R3, Bastila G13R4.
Revan go first. Target on Padme. Then Anakin. Easy win |
zzPadme G12, zzC-3PO G12, GK G12, zJKA G12, zAhsoka G12.
Not enough firepower! (G12 Ezra without Zeta) Could not kill JKA fast enough. Lost Jolee early and Ezra in between.
Was able to kill JKA anyway. Padme was close to death, but then it ended in a timeout. |
Couldn't do enough damage to anyone, they just kept gaining protection up on assists and healing from Bariss. Ridiculous. |
Do not focused on gk, try to focused on anakin and avoid assist.. |