Last update: Aug. 28th 2024
The 3 vs 3 version is here
Counter teams against:
Carth Onasi
Enemy team
Counter team
Thrawn as fastest fracture Zaalbar. Starck Buffs up. Attack Mission, Ordo or Onasi (the squishiest).
G11/G12 Troopers vs zCarth G11/12 team. Focus fire on Carth then use deathmark to bump off Mission.
They did not get to move much. Fractured Zaalbar.
zCarth, zZaalbar, zMission. All G11 except Canderous G12. Relatively slow speeds.
Figured that Magma might be a good option because of all their DOT attempts.
60 banners
Take Mission out first. After that pretty easy. Once you get Range Troopers Steady ability on everyone they should make easy work.
zCarth G12, zMission G12, zZaalbar G12, Canderous G12, Juhani G12.
Made one mistake and fractured Juhani instead of Zaalbar later on, as I did not look properly.
So I lost Stormtrooper. +55 banners.