Enemy team | | Counter team | Win? | Notes | Action |
zz Asajj G12 / MT G11 / Old Daka G11 / Zombie G11 / Spirit G11
z Geonosian Brood Alpha G11 / Sun Fac G12 / Poggle the Lesser G12 / Geonosian Soldier's Starfighter / Geonosian Spy G12
Extremely easy, really really easy, Geos full health and protection at the end. |
EASY Win - barely any damage taken....Kill Order: Daka, MT, Asajj, Spirit, Zombie |
Zeta Brood Alpha made this pretty easy...+55 banners |
ZzAlpha All g12 vs g12 sisters and g13 daka. Lost one bug |
G12 leadership zeta AV, the rest G10/11, 95K gp all 7* NS team. My team - G8/9 zzGBA(5*), the rest 7*, occasional omega 70K gp. Easy win. 58/60 |
Nope. |
Spirit kept stunning Alpha, at one point could have gone either way but then NS got healed back up and I lost. Full G12 NS (except G11 spirit) vs full G12 Geos (except G11 Alpha) |
NS was too strong. |