SWGOH Counters – 5 vs 5
Last update: Aug. 28th 2024
The 3 vs 3 version is
Counter teams against:
Kylo Ren (Unmasked)
Enemy team
Counter team
zKRU G12, zKylo G12, FOO G11, FOTP G11, CPhaz G11 GP 88 888
2zBA G11, Sold G12, Poogle G11, Spy G11, Sun Fac G11
Very easy win. Kil FOO, Phazma. Kylo was the last with specjal from spy
G12 zKRU (zeta on leader ability) / G9 Kylo Ren / G11 FOE / G10 FO TIE Pilot / G9 FO Officer
G9 zGeo Brood (zeta on Queen's Will) / G11 Goe Soldier / G9 Geo Spy / G11 Poggle / G8 Sun Fac
Omegas on Brood, lacking omegas on other Geos.
Both teams G12. Easy win
Both G12, easy win. Kill KRU and Kylo with Spy's special.
Defeated everyone except Kylo. Kylo had R7.
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