Enemy team | | Counter team | Win? | Notes | Action |
Use debuffs to gain TM. Stun as much as possible. Heal with zEP and Shore. Use shock on zombie to stop it from taunting. |
zzAsajj G12 / zzMT G12 / Old Daka G12 / Acolyte G12 / Zombie G12
z Emperor Palpatine G12 / zz Darth Vader G12 / z Grand Admiral Thrawn G12 / Grand Moff Tarkin G12 / TIE Fighter Pilot G12
Very easy battle but only because Empire was similary moded as NS, if NS are a bit better, it is doable but you will lose some team members.
Fracture Zombie, kill Old Daka first.
Fracture Zombie to avoid taunt
Heal from plague with Shoretrooper
Terminate with Deathtrooper to avoid revives |
zzAsajj, zzTalzin, zDaka. All G12.
Decent, but not tremendous enemy speeds. |
Daka and Zombie G13, rest G12. AV, MT, and Daka Zetad. Zombie just shy of 60k health and fast. Vader went after AV, fed TM for EP to lay down stuns. Thrawn fractured zombie and controlled through shock and stuns (EP) and daze (Wampa) and mass cleanse (DT). Kept Daka alive for last but stunned. 59 banners.
-S |
zzAssaj, zDaka, zzTalzin. All G12.
zzAsajj G13, zzMT G13, zDaka G13, Zombie G12, Spirit G12
Opponent's Asajj and Spirit went first. Lost Vader in the middle, then it went downhill quickly.
Terrible enemy team. |
It started quite well, Daka was already gone.
Then Shore got stunned, MT fired another round of plague, and MT must have revived Daka with her mass attack then, finally killing Shore.
No way to recover from plague then, game over. |